Member Policies
Any individual who attends a support group, event or workshop hosted by Nisa Support is considered as a Nisa Support member. Nisa Support member policies have been created in order to ensure that a fair and consistent service is provided to all of its members.
Women in Financial Difficulty
Women who are experiencing financial difficulty may request to have their fees waived for up to two events or workshops annually. There is a procedure that must be followed in relation to this, as outlined below:
The Fee Waiver Form needs to be completed and signed by all women requesting the waiving of fees and emailed or provided to Nisa Support.
The form should be sent to Nisa Support at least 48 hours prior to the beginning of the group, event or workshop.
The Board of Directors will vote to approve or reject the request, and a majority vote will be the decider.
Refund Policy
For workshops, members can request a refund if they are within one-third of classes for the workshop. The refund will be for the remainder of the classes that they will not be able to attend. Refunds cannot be requested if more than one-third of classes has passed.
Tickets are non-refundable. However, the following options will be available to women who notify Nisa Support prior to 24 hours of the event’s start that they will not be able to attend and have already purchased a ticket:
Donate the ticket to their chosen individual, or grant permission to the Board of Directors of Nisa Support to allocate the ticket to another member.
Opt to convert the ticket into a gift certificate to be used for another Nisa Support event within a year of the current event date.
Late registrations are permitted, and women who register can do so up to two classes within workshops commencing. They will be charged a prorated fee rather than a full fee for the workshop.
Other Charges
Any bank charges due to cheques not being processed by the bank will be charged to the member who issued the cheque.
Nisa Support accepts cheques, cash and credit card payments for events, workshops and groups. From time to time, Nisa Support may provide an option to pay online via third-party websites.
Nisa Support accepts payments prior to the event, group or workshop commencing, and also on the day of commencement, with the above methods (unless otherwise stated).
Guests and Non-Payment
Trying out a workshop without payment and/or bringing a friend who has not registered and paid is not permitted.