Pain Behaviour and Empathy
Pain behaviours are a communication tool between patient and clinician and other observers. They can help us to understand the intensity, pain pattern, and the patient’s threshold. It also allows us to identify what type of pain the patient has and what kind of patient has the pain… Simply, pain behaviour gives an excellent psychosocial understanding of the patient, their family, and their environment.

Benefits of Laughter Therapy
The appreciation of pleasure, liveliness, and sociability means promoting good health. Any technique that encourages cheerful recognition, interaction, or appreciation of the insanity or inconsistency of life conditions the body and promotes health and well-being.

Vulnerability in Facilitation
They say that session design can make or break your facilitation. A good design is where it starts – it is the foundation of a good session – whether it’s a workshop, conference, class or retreat. Then, you add good facilitation and, last but not least, awesome, energetic and passionate participants.